• What is the return policy?
    • You may return unopened or opened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. If your return is a result of our error Leather Envy will pay the return shipping cost in full. If the leather shows evidence of being cut, torn or altered in any way a refund will not be granted.

      Before a refund is granted you will need to contact Leather Envy within 30 days of being delivered to receive a RETURN AUTHORIZATION. Please allow up to 4 weeks to receive the refund.

  • What is the minimum order quantity ?
    • One hide minimum for all leather.
  • How do I convert square feet to yards?   
    • 18 sq. Ft. If leather is equivalent to one yard of fabric.
  • How much waste should be expected when cutting leather?  
    • Because leather is a natural product you can expect 10–20% waste when cutting leather due to the irregular shape of hides and various markings such as scars that are sometimes found on leather.